in the teaching and confession of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod since 1862

"Preparing and educating God's children for life-long service to Christ"

Pastor Jack Gilbert
Pastor Gilbert has been serving here at St. John's since June of 2013. He graduated from Concordia Seminary in May of 2009 and served for almost four years as an assistant pastor at Carmel Lutheran Church in Carmel, Indiana. He and his wife Jenny have been blessed with four daughters and are thankful that they are a part of this church and school!
Pastor DeYoung
Pastor DeYoung has been serving St. John’s as the Associate Pastor since November, 2021. He graduated from Concordia Theological Seminary in May of 2018 following which he received a Divine Call to serve St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania. He and his wife Kaitlyn have four children and are happy to be part of St. John’s Lutheran Church and School!
Ms. Emily Heins
"Guided by Christ, I am committed to fostering a learning environment at St. John’s where every student is nurtured spiritually, academically, and emotionally. Through collaboration, empathy, and commitment to our faith, we strive to work together with families to empower our students to reach their fullest potential, and to prepare them for the challenges they will face as future leaders in a changing world.”
Mrs. Jennifer Kellner
Pre-K 3 Teacher
"I have truly enjoyed working with all the children throughout the years. I love interacting with them and listening to all their stories. They bring me joy and laughter every day!"
Mrs. Abby Grant
Pre-K 4 Teacher
"My goal is for every child that enters my classroom to know that they are a child of God, that they are loved, and they are welcome. I believe learning is unique to each child, and that children learn best when their natural curiously is fostered. I believe that sharing my faith with my students on a daily basis is important in helping them to lay the foundation of living a Christ-centered life."
Mrs. Cheryl Witek
Kindergarten Teacher
"My passion is my students and what we accomplish each and every day. I continually strive to engage my students in learning experiences that promote a joy of discovery, love of learning, and the confidence to overcome challenges and obstacles. My personal goal is to provide young children an educational experience that is rich in opportunities to learn and explore their world in a non-threatening, age appropriate manner."
Mrs. Sandra Naegeli
1st Grade Teacher
"I strive to create a loving, safe environment for the young children in my class where they can grow academically and spiritually everyday. Each child is a unique individual and I strive to provide each one with a solid academic foundation grounded in Christ."
Mrs. Ashley Gasau
2nd Grade Teacher
"I love the challenges that each day brings. My goal is to have a positive impact on the young lives that enter my classroom and to help them grow spiritually and academically. Each child is a unique Child of God and I strive to use various strategies to meet the needs of all learners."
Miss Kimberly Hoffmann
3rd Grade Teacher
“I believe that a successful teacher needs to be an instrument of the student. As such an instrument, the teacher should provide several things to the student. The teacher should provide an environment that is secure, nurturing and stimulating.”
Miss Janet Pesch
4th Grade Teacher
"The greatest gift I have as a Lutheran teacher is sharing my faith with the students in my class. Given that we live in a world that rejects Christian teaching, it is even more important that the Word of God is shared with the children at St. John’s Lutheran, so their faith may grow daily. "
Ms. Tiffany Hoffmann
5th Grade Teacher
"My mission is to give each student the skills they need to overcome any challenge with which they will be confronted. I will treat each child’s individuality with respect. I will work with them daily to help them learn to believe in their God-given talents and abilities."
Mr. Roger Johnson
6th Grade Teacher
"In order that all may know and respond to the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ."
Mr. Aaron Wentzel
7th Grade Teacher
Human history is a record of humanity’s interaction with God and our struggle with our corrupted nature. My mission is to show students that Christ is at the center of their world, and to prepare them to build, develop, and defend this and all of their beliefs out of respect and love for their neighbor.
Mr. Jon Grant
8th Grade Teacher
"My role as an educator is to provide all students with the 21st Century skills needed to become successful as they progress through middle school to high school. I want all students to be independent thinkers, problem solvers, and proactively work together as teammates. I look forward to being able to practice my faith at St. John's Lutheran School while helping all students become more Christ-like." "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." - John 13:34-35