Ms. Tiffany Hoffmann

5th Grade Teacher
Tiffany Hoffmann
Personal Profile: 

Hometown - Island Lake, IL

Hobbies/Personal Interests - Playing with my Family, Watersports, Listening to Music, Drawing, and Traveling

Bible Verse - You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit--fruit that will last--and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. John 15:16

Professional Profile: 

Grade(s) Taught - 5th through 8th Grade Math and Art

Years in Education - 23 years

B.A. - Lutheran Elementary Education with specializations in Math and Art from Concordia University, River Forest (not Chicago :)  )

M.A. or Continuing Education - SLED certification

Extracurricular Activities - Art Club, Fine Arts Night, Spring Musical/Drama


"My mission is to give each student the skills they need to overcome any challenge with which they will be confronted. I will treat each child’s individuality with respect. I will work with them daily to help them learn to believe in their God-given talents and abilities. I will give of myself, however I can, to help each student reach their highest potential."