Kindergarten Newsletter


January 17, 2024



When Jesus was 12 years old, he went to Jerusalem with his family to participate in the Passover Festival.  It was approximately 70 miles from Nazareth to Jerusalem.  When Passover ends, Jesus’ family begins the journey home.  Because Jesus’ parents are traveling with extended family, they do not notice Jesus’ absence.  Mary and Joseph were undoubtedly worried.  The text states that after three days, they found Him in the temple courts.  Although Jesus stayed behind in the temple, it was not in defiance or contrary to His parent’s instructions.  Jesus remained in the temple to fulfill His Father’s plan and, when finished, fully obeyed His parents by following them home.    


Lutheran Schools Week

This is scheduled for the week of January 27 – January 31.  This year’s special events and dress-up days are;

Monday – Dress like your favorite Bible character or wear a Christian shirt.

Tuesday – Spirit Day - We will dress in Blue and White to show off our school colors. 

Wednesday – Race Day – Dress like a race car driver or runner.

Thursday – Pajama Day PJs, slippers, and/or robes are allowed, but please, no stuffed animals.

Friday – VIP Day - Thank you to those who have already returned the signup form.  Just a few clarifications: Guests must be over the age of 18 and out of high school. Guests are welcome to stay from 8:40 until 11:45. There will be no hot lunch that day. This is a half-day so the children may leave with their special guest or please make arrangements for an 11:45 dismissal. Please indicate on the sign-up sheet if your child is not bringing a guest.  We will make special arrangements to have someone pair up with your child so no one is left out. 


Golden Rondelle

We have an opportunity to visit the Golden Rondelle next Friday, February 24 at 9:30.  The bus will be here at approximately 9:00 to pick us up.  It is important that we are all on time for school that day.  We will be traveling by school bus with the first-grade class.  The Golden Rondelle limits our number of seats with this event being open to all Racine Schools.  No chaperones will be needed.  Please sign the permission slip included in the pack this week just so I know you are aware that we will be leaving the building. 

What Have We Learned

Language Lesson Focus – Penguins

Essential Question – What new penguin information can we add to our current schema?

Phonics – The –et and –ed word families 

Vocabulary – This week, our literature stories were non-fiction, so we explored a variety of new penguin facts.  Yes, I did teach the children a new word: regurgitation.  It's totally gross and the favorite word of the week.  But we also know that this is how mommy emperor penguins feed their new chicks. 

Writing This week, we started a “How To” story about the steps to making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.    

Morning STEM – Daddy Emperor Penguins balance an egg on their feet for two long months while mommy goes to the sea to swim and eat.  Our challenge was to build a structure that will balance using just one cube as the base.

Afternoon Art – We’re working on a new project that will be displayed in the hall. 

Math – We finished up the unit on measurement with a capacity experiment.  As a trick question, Mrs. Witek has two coffee mugs, one tall and slim and the other short and wide.  Which mug holds more?  After a few guesses we filled both mugs with snap cubes. Most of the children guessed that the tall mug would hold more. The tall, thin mug held 60 snap cubes, and the short mug held 70 snap cubes. This demonstrated the fact that we could not just rely on our eyes.  

Science – Seasons with an emphasis on winter.  


Igloo – Please keep those milk jugs coming.  We need approximately 450 gallon jugs to complete the igloo.


Theme: Endure

Verse: "...and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith..."  Hebrews 12:1-3